Wednesday, April 16, 2008

loud party

Went loud party shopping today. Hit up Xi Men market for some odds and ends to add to the costume. I'll most likely be going to Chengdu on Friday to get my camera back from the DHL office. It'll be, good god, the third week in a row I'll be going to Chengdu. AND I'll be going the week after as well. I need a camera though seeing as the pictures from the loud party will be well worth the trip. The Nanchong folk have abandoned the rules of secrecy in the hope of defeating the Chengdu-ers in the costume contest. Winner takes home a big bag of chocolate peanuts from Chuan Bei. I'll also be performing a new trick I've been working on. I definitely shouldn't have hyped this trick up as much as I did, but it's pretty cool, even if I may say so myself. Part of the trick will be dedicated to my parents for sending me the materials, as well as Pinball (my American cat who recently passed away) because he definitely would have enjoyed watching this. Xiao Qiang actually liked it too much and messed my first attempt up.

Xiao Qiang zui jin shi zai shi tai tiao pi le! The little bastard meows all the time at night, has been scratching up my screen door. Today I came back home and found a snickers bar half-eaten on the floor of my apartment. I thought cats and dogs couldn't eat chocolate, but this one can. There are chocolate crumbs everywhere. At least he's got good taste.

Tomorrow is the "sports meeting" at Xi Hua. I don't think I've ever done a long jump in my life. I can rock a 100m pretty solidly (I think), maybe 200m as well.

Showed a number of different movies to my classes this week seeing as their probably all fretting about the TEM-4 on Sunday morning. Rushmore, Mean Girls, and Rocket Science were among the three I showed this week. One student put her head down during Rushmore. Who falls asleep during Rushmore? I lost a lot of respect for this person; not that I had a lot to begin with, but you probably know who he or she is. If you don't, ask me later.

Ugh, I STILL have yet to transfer over the website from Xi Hua Online to the school servers. I've been sooooo out of it recently, interested in other things (ie anything other than work, really) and a lot of my obligations have taken back seat. Bu hao, phil, bu hao..

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