Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Met Ting Ting for dinner yesterday. I wish I could take some pictures but my camera is still MIA. If it's not here by this weekend I'll get another one, as the Nanchong contingent will be hitting up Chengdu again to visit Sarah in the hospital. I need to have one for the loud party. Absolutely necessary.

Anyway, before dinner, I suggested walking around Bei Hu park. My suggestion was apparently ridiculous for a person like myself to make, and she called me an old man. I remember back in Chile when going to the plaza de armas or somewhere in Santiago or Talagante was cool. People went there just to walk around or hang out. If anything, the central plaza was a place for young people to meet or hold some celebrations during various festivals; not an activity restricted to old folk.

The loud party is next weekend the 19th. People advised to wear their loudest, craziest costumes. Anything you would never wear on a daily basis is acceptable. People not wearing costumes will not be admitted. It will be the greatest party we've had so far. More later.

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